Education is a key to success; this is what most parents will tell their children in Malawi. However, most schools lack the resources required for successfully supporting child education. Primary education in Malawi cycles from standard 1 to 8 with age range of 6 to 13 years.. Each year has 3 terms and when students reach standard 8, they sit for Primary School Leaving Certificate Examination (PSLCE). If they pass, they can then go for secondary education.
In 2019, Chitende primary school enrolled 400 students in total, standard 1 to 8. However, the school only has one classroom block which accommodates standard 7 and 8 students. The rest of the students have their classes outside under the tree. Although the government budgets for the education sector every year, the construction of school blocks usually falls on the community to organize.
To address these problems the head teacher and the Chitende School Committee wrote a proposal to The Collective. In order to build one new school block and toilets for the school, we need to raise $4,000. The community has already started with one block but due to lack of funds they are still on the foundation level.

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