"The Collective believes in fostering projects that promote sustainable growth through long-lasting community partnerships. We believe in bringing people together to solve the issues that are relevant to their unique community makeup."

Community Small Grant Initiative
Community Small Grant InitiativeStrengthening social capital
Chitende Primary School Project
Chitende Primary School ProjectEducating future leaders
Chitende Road Construction Project
Chitende Road Construction ProjectEnhancing Infrastructure
25 Young mothers supported by Community Small Grant Initiative
980 people using Chitende road to access health services
400 students enrolled in Chitende primary school
5 Months of the year the road is inaccessible

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The Cove Collective is operating as a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO) in Malawi, registered as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee under the Companies Act, No 15 of 2013..Charity Care | Developed By Rara Theme. Powered by WordPress.