
Give the gift of school lunches this year!

We’ve got a lofty goal, but we believe our community of friends can easily help us reach it. You’ve got the power to give the gift of FOOD to elementary school learners in Malawi.

Our pilot school feeding program has been a huge success. Because of an incredibly organized and determined community of parents and teachers at Thukutu Primary School, coupled with our amazing partnership with Million Dollar Vegan to fund the first month, The Collective has distributed 5 hot meals a week to over 400 students since December 2021.

Imagine sending your kid off to school for the day knowing they wouldn’t eat again until dinner. The smiles on these kids faces and their eagerness to get their plate shows this program must continue.

We are trying to raise $1000 in recurring monthly donations to keep this program going. It sounds like a lot, but $50 a month buys school lunches for 16 students for an entire month! We truly believe if we all band together, we can reach this goal.

So check out our highlight video and see if you can help us keep these kids smiling for another month or many to come!


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