What We Do

The Cove Collective believes in fostering projects that promote sustainable growth in areas of the world experiencing extreme poverty through long-lasting community partnerships. To this end, our approach is to support projects that are relevant and important to the community. We believe in working with the community in a way that best employs the existing expertise of local residents. This philosophy, that is integral to our operations, allows for a more engaged and empowered partnership.

To help us accomplish our mission of promoting community-driven development, we’ve established programs and initiatives designed to be long-term solutions. Additionally, we also support community projects with a prescribed timeline. Read more about the current programs and projects below.

Because we strongly believe in listening to the unique needs of our community, we welcome proposals from any community based groups working in our area. For more information about this process, please email info@thecovecollective.org.

Education Program

Chitende Primary School Project

Community Small Grant Initiative

Chitende Road Project